Alpler Animal Trade


Export Activities

Buying conditions from Germany and Austria and good selection are the conditions for the purchase of individual countries. The race, gender, age, gestational age and performance characteristics of both parents constitute a part of these procurement requirements. Each breeding cattle has its own pedigree.


After the conclusion of the contract, the export process begins with careful planning of selection and logistics.


The selection of cattle is carried out either at collection centers approved according to the request of the client or directly in the raising barns. Independent of this, it is ensured that the client or the selection committee carefully monitors the animals. Our expert team accompanies our customers and is always available for information and support. Effective collaboration with breeding associations and veterinary authorities will provide a quaint and smooth quarantine process.


We will take care of your animals! When the selection is complete, the cattle you choose will be collected in the official quarantine barns. Our animals, which are separated from other animals, examined according to the characteristics of the target country. Continuous monitoring by the veterinarian ensures the health of animals. We provide a balanced diet and nutrients for the welfare of animals. We guarantee a safe and convenient export operation. In this way, breeding cattle can safely reach their new home and develop their full potential there.

Transport vehicles

With the well-known and reliable logistics companies in Germany we cooperate, your animals are provided with more stress free and convenient logistics service.

Arrival of the cattles

Thanks to a professional planning; our competency at selection, quarantine, and transportation logistics, we ensure that your animals are healthy and in good condition in your company. All animals are insured during this period.
We are happy to recommend you to follow up on nutrition, animal husbandry and animal health to support local business development.